DAI THIEN AN elevators are the reliable transportation means for all buildings, designs, and harmonize with modern architecture such as: Shopping centers, Office buildings, Multipurpose buildings, High-grade restaurants, High-grade apartment buildings ...
Field of use:
• Đai Thien An elevators’ capacity: often 350kg - 1600kg
• Speed : from 30m/minute to 105m/minute
• Maximum altitude : 50m (equivalent to 15 floors)
THIEN AN elevators are attached with the following safety equipments:
• Speed limiter
• Mechanical brake system
• Overload protector
• Protector against power failure, in phase opposition, voltage fall, overcurrent.
• Alarm button used to inform emergency and communicate with the outside.
• Emergency lamp
• Safety door lock
• Communicating system between inside and outside
Automatic Rescue Department (ARD):
When sudden main power failure occurs, this system will automatically move the elevator to the nearest floor and open the door so that passengers can get out. The reserve battery will automatically reload after main power has been recovered.