The HR Series electronic laboratory balances provide many remarkable features at affordable prices. These easy-to-use analytical balances are durable, adapt to your environment, and provide great flexibility and resolution.
- Large Weighing Chamber holds up to a 250mm volumetric flask
- Wide Angle LCD Display
- Good Laboratory Practices [GLP] Software
- Multi-Functional Weighing: %, Counting, Grams, mg. oz ozt, dwt, ct, mom, GN, t, TL
- Separate, Clearly Marked Operating Keys
- Full Range Tare
- Mode Key
- Range Key: Suppresses least significant digit for faster speed & better stability when required
- Percentage Function
- Counting Function: Maximizes accuracy with Automatic
- Counting Accuracy Improvement Function [ACAI]
- Push Button Calibration
- Front Key Selectable Weighing Filters: Ensures fast & stable results in all environmental conditions without switching off the balance
- Digital Tare
- Underhook
- Outputs Serial Number of the Balance: Identifies stolen balance & greatly reduces capital goods inventory control
- Enter balance\’s ID Number: For GLP records & identifying the balance
- System Diagnosis: Identifies Overload, Weighing Pan Error, Power Failure, Digital Tare Error, Calibration Errors & Low Battery
- Body & frame constructed of extra strong die-cast aluminum alloy
- Optional Battery Pack